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Three tarot cards are laid out on a wooden surface. The left card features a nude figure pouring water, surrounded by stars, and is labeled 'LA STELLA.' The center card depicts a heart pierced by three swords, symbolizing heartbreak or sorrow, and is labeled with the Roman numeral III. The right card shows a landscape with a large sun or moon, two animals, and two towers in the background. It is labeled 'LA LUNA' with the Roman numeral XVIII. A partially burned scroll is placed on top of the leftmost card, and there are scattered dried flowers on the table.
Three tarot cards are laid out on a wooden surface. The left card features a nude figure pouring water, surrounded by stars, and is labeled 'LA STELLA.' The center card depicts a heart pierced by three swords, symbolizing heartbreak or sorrow, and is labeled with the Roman numeral III. The right card shows a landscape with a large sun or moon, two animals, and two towers in the background. It is labeled 'LA LUNA' with the Roman numeral XVIII. A partially burned scroll is placed on top of the leftmost card, and there are scattered dried flowers on the table.


Estamos aqui para ajudar você a entender melhor seu caminho através da cartomancia e do tarô, oferecendo orientação e apoio espirituais.